I wish you all a wonderful weekend. I have been told that the nail polish posts were missed on Color Me Loud so I thought I'd reviews the lovely two shades Chanel released, Chanel Le Vernis #584 Bleu Pastel and #552 Resplendissant for Énergies et Prutés Collection. This collection is what formerly was an Asia Exclusive but was usually released in the States with a little delay. This year I am very excited to see that it is available at chanel.de in Germany. I love the fact that it reduces the tremendous black market earns of some people on evilB but I have mixed feelings about the delivery company they chose to work with. I will write about my less than stellar experience on my next post because I reserved this one for pure nail talk.
But before we start, I would like to ask you, have you noticed the new design of the blog? I'd love to hear what you think of that if you find a little time to browse on home page. New Features are those such as you can select one of the categories, i.e. fragrance, skin care, foundation, eye shadow etc. or you can check out the lasts post of a particular brand. Last time when I changed the design, there had been problems in terms of visibility of my site on search engines and it was a lovely reader who contact me to report about it. If you have any problems of the functions you were previously using, please let me know. I will fix it as soon as I can.
So without further ado, here are my thoughts and some comparison swatches.
Chanel Le Vernis #584 Bleu Pastel, #552 Resplendissant |
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